Small Steps, Big Impact Episode 2 | Racial Battle Fatigue

Posted on October 11, 2021

Our guest is Dr. Shelly Brown-Jeffy (she/her/hers), Associate Professor of Sociology here at UNCG. Our conversation today focuses on the effects and impact of Racial Battle Fatigue on our faculty as well as our students.

Link to full transcript here.

Music, A Short Walk, from

Quote from the Episode

“Your advocate does not have to look like you, but it’s someone who cares.”

About our Guest

Dr. Shelly L. Brown-Jeffy is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She received her Ph. D. in Sociology from the University of Michigan. Her interest in racial/ethnic inequality and socioeconomic disadvantage is evident in her teaching and research. The goal of her research is to examine and understand differences in educational outcomes among racial/ethnic/socioeconomic groups.  In teaching, she helps others understand that our social world structures our social reality.

Feel free to reach out to Dr. Shelly directly if you have any questions at [email protected].

Resources from the Episode

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