Teaching Tips | Open educational resources

Posted on November 08, 2022

This section is full of timely and evidence-based practices to apply in your teaching.

  • OER and Accessibility: Open Educational Resources (OER) have become quite popular among educators in recent years. As the costs of books continue to rise, OER has been an excellent way to ensure that students have access to critical learning materials while removing the monetary expense that is so often a barrier. OER can very easily connect to UDL as well – providing multiple resources that present the same information in a variety of ways is just one example. In order for OER to be available to all students, accessibility must also be considered, because inaccessible OER will be a barrier for some students. UDL on Campus shares more on how to locate accessible OER and how to address some of the challenges that can occur in OER design.
  • Getting Started with Inclusive Teaching: Inclusive teaching is a very important part of the learning experience for students. It has an impact on the success of all students when they are given the opportunity to learn through the lens and inclusion of others. This work can be overwhelming at times for faculty. The Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia helps instructors answer the question “Where do I begin?” by offering five inclusive teaching principles derived from research and evidence-based practices. This guide provides practical and accessible tips and tools that can be used immediately. 
  • State of Student Engagement: While many students are back on campus and in classes this semester, many instructors are still noticing variation in student engagement. If you are experiencing this in your classes, know that you are not alone! A recent webinar (complete the Zoom registration to receive a link to the recording) and article from the Chronicle of Higher Education highlights this widespread trend and offers some insights and strategies to address these challenges. While there is no quick and easy fix, it can be helpful to connect with others who are facing similar challenges to support one another. The UTLC is here to provide opportunities for connection and support for instructors across campus. You can always request a consultation or email us at utlc@uncg.edu to find a time to connect.

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